Earn up to 5.00% APY*!
Grow your savings with our Savings Account Special Offer!
*To receive the offer:
- Enjoy our special APY until September 30, 2024.
- Promotion date from March 18, 2024 to April 30, 2024.
- Must be new funds from other financial institutions.
*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 3/18/2024, and is subject to change at any time. The promotion rate offers to both Personal and Business Savings Accounts with opening balance of at least $10,000 in new money (that is, funds not already deposited in another account at Royal Business Bank and funds is defined by net deposits in Royal Business Bank over the past 12 months; accounts closed, money transferred out, and re-deposited does not define as new money). The promotional interest rates are eligible for a balance equal to or above $10,000. The regular Savings Account interest rate will apply to any balance below $10,000. After September 30, 2024, the promotional APY will no longer apply, and the account will revert to the regular balance tiers and APYs associated with the regular Savings Account. The interest rate and APY paid depend on the available balance tier into which the account’s daily ending balance. The interest rate that corresponds to the available balance tier is calculated by the full available balance in the account at the end-of-day and interest is credited and compounded monthly. For additional information refer to the account disclosures, terms and conditions, and the fee schedule. Fee could reduce the earnings. Promotion is subject to be terminated at Royal Business Bank’s discretion.